Tuesday, March 31, 2020

coronavirus, Covid-19, Triage

Triage: What happens when doctors have to decide over life and death? | Covid-19 Special


Italy's minute of silence +++ Germany expects tangible pandemic data by Easter | Coronavirus Update


Coronavirus page

What happens when you get the coronavirus disease? 
COVID-19 alert

People with COVID-19 generally develop signs and symptoms, including mild respiratory symptoms and feveron an average of 5-6 days after infection (mean incubation period 5-6 days, range 1-14 days). 

Most people infected with the COVID-19 virus have mild disease and recover.

What are the symptoms of the coronavirus disease?

The most common symptoms are 

(1) fever

(2) cough

(3) shortness of breath, and 

(4) breathing difficulties

In more severe cases the infection can cause pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome, and even death

The period within which the symptoms would appear is 2-14 days.

  • Coronaviruses are zoonotic, meaning they are transmitted between animals and people.
  • People could catch COVID-19 by touching contaminated surfaces or objects – and then touching their eyes, nose or mouth. 
  • We know it is possible for people of any age to be infected with the virus, but so far there are relatively few cases of COVID-19 reported among children. 
  • The virus can cause a range of symptoms, ranging from mild illness to pneumonia. Symptoms of the disease are fever, cough, sore throat and headaches.

Monday, March 30, 2020

Epidemic and Pandemic, coronvirus

Epidemic and Pandemic page

What Bill Gates is afraid of

Healthcare and Sanitation

Healthcare and Sanitation page

Bill Gates makes a prediction about when coronavirus cases will peak



Can Tesla, GM And Ford Help Solve The Coronavirus Ventilator Shortage?

The global coronavirus outbreak has pushed the U.S. health system to the brink. Hospitals are already running out of basic supplies like masks, eye gear, gowns and ventilators. Ventilators are key in helping keep people with the most severe cases of COVID-19 alive, but with the number of infected rising daily, there are not nearly enough of them and no easy way to get more. Here is a look at what governments are doing and how automakers like Ford, GM and Tesla are trying to help.

Healthcare and Sanitation

Healthcare and Sanitation page

US braces for health care collapse +++ Europe divided +++ South Africa lockdown | Coronavirus Update

Health and Hygiene

Health and Hygiene page

Wednesday, March 18, 2020


rite /rʌɪt/
plural noun: rites
  1. a religious or other solemn ceremony or act.
    "The rite of communion"
  • What are religious rites?
  • How do you use rite in a sentence?

food, foods, cuisine

/ (kwɪˈziːn) /noun
1) a style or manner of cooking (French cuisine) 2) the food prepared by a restaurant, household, etc


1. Being Assertive | Stress Management | Mayo Clinic